John Stern: Five lessons we learned from Stanford week
November 4th, 2008 by John Stern in England, Stanford Twenty20, Twenty20 and tagged cricket, John Stern, stanford, the wisden cricketer, Twenty201. Next time, don’t just change the name, change the team.
The Stanford Superstars are the best performers from the Stanford 20/20 so let’s do the same. Make the English team an all-stars XI from the Twenty20 Cup which would add kudos to that tournament and provide the Stanford event with the sort of context so lacking from last week’s farrago.
2. The jury’s still very much out on Peter Moores.
If the players were, as KP claimed, distracted by “nonsense” then this should have been the perfect opportunity for the coach to show us what he’s made of and ensure the players were switched on to the game. Instead, he trotted the same lame excuses as the rest of them.
3. KP is the new Tony Greig.
The obvious similarities were there before but his revoltingly condescending quotes about how Chris Gayle and his team needed the money more took him dangerously close to ‘grovel’ territory.
4. Leave the Wags at home.
They got plenty of the flak in Ashes 2006-07 and now at least one of them is the centre of another storm, albeit not entirely of their own making. A return to old-fashioned values is the only option – let them admire from afar. Or alternatively go the whole hog and give them the full Ryder Cup treatment. And then you find out which player invites his Mum along, like Jose Maria Olazabal.
5. England are mentally frail.
When push came to shove, they weren’t up for it. Whatever their misgivings about the event, there is no excuse for being completely ill-prepared for a game against a team of mostly sub-international players. The paradox is, of course, had they being playing Australia …
John Stern is editor of The Wisden Cricketer
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