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Jrod: I want my cricketers with balls

November 10th, 2008 by JRod in Australia in India, International and tagged , , , ,

There was a time when Australia were pretty good at cricket, you may remember back that far, they had a way of playing that was attacking, aggressive and brought their fans much joy.

Then it all went wrong, blame the credit crunch, global warming, or the advent of pink shirts on straight men but something changed.

Their gun, young quick needed a break from the game.

They suspended their superstar allrounder for missing a meeting he didn’t know was on.

They complained about sledging with a straight face.

Players became teetotallers.

And professionals who prepare like anal-retentive astronauts have replaced the team’s cricketers.

I stood by while all this happened, well not really, I sent an angry email to James Sutherland asking for our team back. No reply has been forthcoming.

Now Australia has gone even further down the path of the dreaded ‘P’ word.


The team has now started playing to protect their captain’s next Test rather than winning this Test, drawing the series and keeping the trophy.

I mean how many overs should Michael Hussey bowl? Is less than none a number?

The Australians are already defending their actions, Tim Neilsen even went as far as to say: “I don’t think for a second we haven’t pressed for the win.”

I didn’t see him say it but unless he was wearing a pair of Groucho Marx glasses, this is unacceptable.

The Australian team are turning into a bunch of mindless corporate zombies and it is not helping their cricket.

I have had enough. I want my cricket team back.

I want them to be larrikins, drinkers, smokers, cheaters, tough bastards and people who will do anything to win. Including giving their captain a Test match ban to win a series.

That is how we have always played cricket in Australia and if I can’t have anything else I want, at least give me the “we will do anything to win” spirit back.

We need to stop this before it gets worse – next thing you know they won’t be claiming half volleys.

Jrod is an Australian cricket blogger, his site won July’s Best of Blogs in TWC

Posted in Australia in India, International |

7 Responses to “Jrod: I want my cricketers with balls”

  1.   Dave says:

    So in other words Jrod, Australia are turning into England?

  2.   The Village Cricketer says:

    Even as a (non-whinging) pom, I’m right with you Jrod (see

    Perhaps, as every Australian man will already be a follower, the Canary Yellows have softened up in a bid to attract more female fans? I think the real reason they waited so long to play Krejza was because he wasn’t pretty enough.

  3.   Len says:

    It’s been a kinder, gentler, Australia since you left it…blame no one else…

  4.   Dave says:

    I bet it’s only a matter of time before Ponting/Nielson says “We’re a young team and we’ll learn from this”.

  5.   What now for Australia? « says:

    [...] being asked of Australia’s cricketers, and their captain in particular. Accusations of a lack of mental (and testicular) strength are not often levelled at Australia, but they are facing such accusations now. There are a number [...]

  6.   jrod says:

    Dave, No, Cause Australia still get really mad when we lose, not accept it.

    VC, Those sideburns are hot.

    Len, fair call.

  7.   D Charlton says:

    Good Zombies by the way.

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